We believe that your kitchen remodel is a journey. Begin by sharing your ideas and inspirations with us.

Our Kitchen Concept Design will be a starting point. We’ll review it together and decide what you’d like to change – with the goal of reaching a design and price that’s right for you.

Be prepared! We'll need measurements, photos and a brief video of your current kitchen. It may be easiest to collect these before you begin the survey.

Find your Quote Number in our original email.

What are your current kitchen dislikes?

What is it that makes you want to remodel your kitchen? Why not stay with what you have? What do you not want to repeat in your new kitchen?i


Describe your ideal kitchen

What’s the kitchen you’ve been thinking about look like? What are some of its features? How do you see yourself enjoying it?i


Considering changing your kitchen layout?

Thinking about the same current cabinet layout? Or maybe changing it? How will the new layout be different from your current one?i


Island cabinets for your kitchen?

Do you have enough space for an island cabinet configuration? (You’d need at least 36” of free space around it.) If you do, would it be an area for cooking or washing dishes? Seating? Mostly drawers or doors?i


Time for new appliances?

Will you keep your current appliances in your new kitchen? Or add new ones? Or new sizes? Maybe even change the color?i


Cabinet door style and finish preference?

Painted or stained? Transitional, modern or traditional doors? There are lots of door options, but let’s focus on the whole kitchen and tell us what’s important.i


Smart phone video walk-thru

Help us understand your current kitchen layout by taking a 15 second video on your smart phone. Focus on the whole kitchen and tell us what’s important. We’ll see those unique details our designers need to consider.


Current kitchen
smart phone photos

Pics of your kitchen help our design team understand your kitchen area. The best ones capture large spaces or whole walls. Also, be sure to capture those unique details our designers need to consider.


Basic measurements

Wondering how to measure your kitchen? Feeling worried you’ll do it “wrong”? We made a short video to show you how to do it. We really think you’ll be surprised – nay, delighted – how easy it is to take your kitchen measurements. You absolutely do not need to be a pro to measure like a pro! Sketch them, take a phone pic and upload.


Next Steps ...

Thank you for providing your kitchen design info. Shortly, you’ll receive our Concept Design Package outlining your desired features, color renderings and pricing.

We’ll include our contact information in the hopes of discussing your design, possible changes and how best to proceed.